The adventures of Mick, Aliyah and Benjamin as told by his mama and papa! :) (incase you's written twice on this page, as this blogger can not figure out how to fix that!)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Boom Boom Boom

I'm sitting here trying to come up with something to write that will go along well with this video and I've got nothin'. There are no words. Just watch.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Loveladies, Part 2

For Loveladies, Part 2, we joined Aunt Elaine, Uncle Don and their whole crew. Twenty-two people slept over on Saturday night! It was a packed house and SO MUCH FUN! Here are some highlights from the weekend.

**Uncle Don "stole" a bite of Mick's pizza! Scotty was particularly amused by this.

**We learned the "jump, shake your booty!" song and Mick got involved right away. Now when
I say, "Hey Mick!" he says, "OKAY!" and starts to dance. He even tries to say, "Shake your
booty!" but it comes out more like, "yake yer oooty!"

**action shot!
**Millie, Betsy and Ruthie all trying to get in some Mick time. Or maybe they just wanted to
check out the book I was reading. :)

**Speaking of reading...he looks like he's really into, doesn't he?

Friday, August 15, 2008


Hey everyone. I've been slacking in the Blog dept as of late, and I pretty much still am (ha). Just wanted to post a picture of my Buba. In July of 2005 she died, just one month shy of turning 99. Today would have been her 102nd b-day. Here she is with mom and Hannah in May of 2003. We miss you Buba and think about you all of the time. Just last night while Mick was chomping on some broccoli I said, out loud, "I wish Buba could see you right now!" and then I said, "She probably is." :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Zoo Monday

Elijah, Hannah and Mick joined Abuela, Grandpa and I at the Philadelphia Zoo on Monday. After Elijah got his face painted he quietly said, "roar" and made me laugh. :) Hannah got flowers painted on her face to match her dress. Mick skipped the face painting and worked on his taggie. This was taken before we left for the zoo. Do you think Abuela's happy?! :)~

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Loveladies, Part 1

On Sunday we went to LBI to Aunt Elaine and Uncle Don's house. It was a quiet day and Mick got some quality time with his mama and papa. ;) We're heading back this weekend when the entire Weill clan will be there!! We can't wait! There will be photos from that, of course, but in the mean time, here are a few from LBI trip #1.

(ps...I know. Mick needs a new swim hat...been a little busy lately...I'll work on it, I promise!)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Party Hoppin' with friends

Our multiple party weekend was great! Celia and her parents visited and slept over. The next night we all slept at Brody and Remi's beach house (oh, and their parents were there too!). Three year old Celia seemed to be quite taken by Mick. She actually pet his hair and said, "This is my friend.......this is my little boyfriend." She was also heard saying, "I think Mick wants a hug" several times over the course of the weekend. Adorable!!
Here they are at our neighbors Luau fiesta. Mick seemed like he needed assistance. Celia to the rescue!

After a long night of party hopping, the two buddies chill in their jammies.

Here's Mick hanging out with Brody. Brody turned one while we were there!

Mick and Remi. Remi's so sweet. She often refers to Mick as "Micky" or "MICkeeeeeeeee!"