The adventures of Mick, Aliyah and Benjamin as told by his mama and papa! :) (incase you's written twice on this page, as this blogger can not figure out how to fix that!)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sophisticated Pallate

Here's a little conversation that I had with 3 yr old Mick at 8:34am today.

Mick: "Mama...I want something to eat."

Me: " you want bagel with cream cheese?"

Mick: "Ok. With lox on it."

Me: "We don't have any lox, sweetie, how about bagel with cream cheese?"

Mick: "Cucumbers on it?"

Me: "No, I'm sorry, love, we don't have any cucumbers."

Mick: "Why not?"

Me: "Because we need to go food shopping."

Mick: "Ohkaaaaaaaaay."

Me: "So, bagel with just cream cheese. Is that ok?"

He said yes and is still working on it now. Guess it's time to go to the supermarket!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rock Band Mick

Mick's been watching a bit of Rock Band and he's into "Eye of the Tiger" Here he is rockin' out.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Elijah's on Phanavision!

On Wednesday, Aug 5, Jordan and I took Dad to the Phillies game for Father's Day. Ticket number 4 went to the greatest 9 yr old phan I've ever known. Here he is hammin' it up on the big screen!! (btw, I should mention that Happ pitched a 4 hit complete game shut was awesome!!!)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Abuela's Chicken Soup

Nothing cools ya down like a nice hot bowl of soup on a warm summer day! Mick asks for Abuela's soup often. Mmm mmm good!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mick and his cousin Sadie

This is one of the cutest things I've seen in a long time.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

DJ Jazzy J and his crew

A three part video series (heh) from Jordan's and Abuela's birthday bbq. This is the first posting on the Mick Chronicles to NOT feature Mick!! Sorry Mick fans...he'll be back in the next post, I promise! In the meantime...sit back, relax and enjoy my funny family! :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Filet Mignon For Breakfast

I have pictures to post from recent Mick activities, but I just wanted to share a little gem from last week.
Here's how a conversation (?) between Mick and I went one morning...

Me: "Mick, what do you want for breakfast?"
Mick: silence
Me: "Mick, do you wannnnnt waffles?"
Mick: "nnnnnope!"
("nope?" okee dokee)
Me: "Do you wannnnnt a bagel?"
Mick: "nnnnope!"
Me: "Do you wannnnt eggies?"
Mick: "nnnnope!"
Me: "Do you want cereal?"
Mick: "nnnnope!"
Me: " you wannnnnnnnnnnt filet mignon?!"
Mick: ponders for a moment and then, "OKAAAAAAY!!!"

Hmm... Mick has never had filet mignon and I'm pretty sure he'd never heard those words either.

Me: "Really? Well, we don't have filet mignon, so let's pick something else."
Mick: "Noooooo! I want min-yone! I WANT MIN-YONE!!!!!"


Like most toddlers he got distracted and asked me for eggs shortly thereafter. phew!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Follow-up "Spinach" Videos

Here are the latest in the Mick-Spinach video series. At the end of the first one you can hear me say, "please chew." heh. The continuation is documented in the 2nd video. :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Snap Shots--April '09

Ok...I just haven't been feeling inspiried apologies!! Actually, our computer is just so slow these days that I avoid time consuming stuff, like uploading photos. blahblahblah. are some snap shots from April 2009.
Mick in the tub. Mommy likes to play with his hair. heh heh.

Elijah, Hannah and Sadie are home! They LIVE in NJ again! WOO HOO!

Lij and Mick are buds.

Sadie and Hannah dancing to music at the Thomas Live show.

Grandpa tickling the Mickster at intermission of said show.

Here's a pic from the end of March. We met cousins Matt and Wendi in Princeton for lunch. So great to see them and to see Princeton too! :)

Mick ran around this grassy area hanging on to his Thomas VHS cover for dear life! He fell in the mud and so did that cover. A fellow toddler picked it up for him and got some ice cream on it. Great. Where is that tape cover? It's got mud and ice cream on it and it's mysteriously missing. hmm. Pappa?
Random shot...dancing in the living room...

Monday, March 16, 2009

"Grapes" or "Berries"

Call them what you wish. That's Mick's way. He repeats me when I say, "berries," but goes right back to calling them grapes! (btw...this was shot a few weeks ago when Mick and I had worries, Abuela!)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Mick and I spent an extra long weekend at Aunt Pammy's house. Aunt KarOn and Celia flew down too and we had soooooOooOOooooo much fun! If Mick was fluent in English (heh) he would tell you that the highlight of his weekend was Jake, the dog. Jake's kinda up in years and he was definitely worn out from Mick. He was also happy to have a little pal to play with. I'll admit that Jake looks better in these next two pics, but I just had to post them both because...well, because they're sweet!
Mick and Celia trying to jump rope!

Making hamantashen...they turned out great!

Mick got himself involved in the whole process!

We hit the beach two days in a row. The weather was beautiful and everyone was happy happy happy (some of us, present company sorta excluded, got burned burned burned too!).

The following pictures I've decided to call "The Mick/Celia Chronicles." These may be used again when they get married. HA! Just kidding?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Two and a Half!

March 2, 2009 marks 2 1/2 years for Mick! It also brought us a snow day with Poppa! Mick was most interested in "helping" his dad with the shovel. Kid loves to push and drag things (as long as it's not the cat, then we're good). :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Masterpiece Theatre

Mick is on the verge of carrying out a conversation in his mother tongue. He says things like "Let's do this!" "Sit down." And "Where are you?" When I heard him fall the other day, I came in the room and found him flustered. "What happened, Mick?" I asked. He replied, "I went down." Later, when I pointed to his toy school bus and asked him what color it is, he pointed inside and said "Red." Then he pointed outside and said, "Yellow." Correct on both counts. But the topper came last week when Candice, Mick and I were in the car on the way to Kohls. "Pappa," he said. "What'r we doin' NOW?" His mother and I looked at each other in astonishment. And then we erupted in laughter "We're going to the store, Mick," Candice finally said. Mick's response: "OOOOH. Yaaaaay."