The adventures of Mick, Aliyah and Benjamin as told by his mama and papa! :) (incase you's written twice on this page, as this blogger can not figure out how to fix that!)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Aliyah's home! Here are some videos of big bro Mick taking on his new role with class and a whole lotta love. :)
I have no idea what he's singing in this first vid, but it has the word "baby" in it and it's lullaby-ish and well, quite frankly...DELICIOUS!!

Here's some footage (heh) from Aliyah's first bath at home. Check out Mick stating, "I a big brother now" right at the beginning. I'm gonna EAT HIM UP!!!

Here's Mick meeting Aliyah for the first time. He walked in with cousin Elijah and Uncle Jordy. I was overwhelmed to tears and Mick wanted to know why I wasn't talking. He wiped away one of my kisses. I didn't take it personally. :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This blog is still called The Mick Chronicles, but not for long. With two new additions to the G. family, the name will be changing. That doesn't mean that little Micky won't have a strong presence here, it just means he's gonna hafta learn how to share. Oh boy.
MEANwhile...let's keep the focus on the Mickster because that's certainly how he likes it!!