The adventures of Mick, Aliyah and Benjamin as told by his mama and papa! :) (incase you's written twice on this page, as this blogger can not figure out how to fix that!)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mayor Mick

Well, this is my first blog post ever. kewl. (broth-r, don't I rawk?!) Mick's nearly 19 months and quite a few people have suggested that I blog about our amazing little man. So, I'm givin' it a go.

Mick's vocabulary is growing :) Today's most used words have been "banana" and "hi!" I have to say that "hi" is the cutest!! We were at the supermarket and he waved and said "hi" and then "bye-bye" to anyone that would give him attention (and that's a lot of people). We've made friends with the lady that hands out samples. Today she gave Mick an extra piece of pear. Thanks Millie!

Well, that's all I've got for now.


slg62858 said...

well...this is just great! enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Mamita, this is cool!

slg62858 said...

I thought we were going to get in a regular Mick fix! boo hoo