The adventures of Mick, Aliyah and Benjamin as told by his mama and papa! :) (incase you's written twice on this page, as this blogger can not figure out how to fix that!)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Who needs toys when you've got boxes?

Mick, much like his mama, has quite an attention for detail. If we leave one new thing in the living room, he notices it right away. Examples... The morning after I had attached the safety border to the coffee table Mick ran right to it and started playing with it. The morning after Scott left a glass of water near the couch, Mick ran straight to it and tried to play with it--oh dear. Add something new to his play area and he's on it. Even an old toy that's been in hiding (ie. under the couch) for awhile. If it makes a reappearance Mick notices immediately and plays with it. He'll also drop his favorite toy (the Little People bus at the moment) when any new object arrives at the house. Like a box. Mick's Gram sent us a big box of diapers (and wipes and cream, thanks Gram!!!) and Mick couldn't wait to play with the box! After struggling to open the box, I helped him, but the rest was all Mick. He climbed on it, over it and slid down it as best as he could. Who needs toys when you've got boxes!?!!


slg62858 said...

He is soooo cute. Watching him slide on the box it looks like its time for one of those little plastic slides....huh?

Anonymous said...

Isn't that always the way? Kids love boxes!! and Pots and Pans, and as my mother found out thanks to her best friend when my sister was little, cymbals!(She ended up covering them in felt) I hope none of your friends buy him cymbals.:)

Anonymous said...

I just love that delicious baby- he makes me laugh all the time.