The adventures of Mick, Aliyah and Benjamin as told by his mama and papa! :) (incase you's written twice on this page, as this blogger can not figure out how to fix that!)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

We had some interesting weather on Thursday. During the day Mick and I played outside in the rain. At the same time we played in the sun. Hmm. The rainbows finally showed up in the evening and Scotty got out there to snap some photos with Mick. The lighting was pretty cool. Mick seemed impressed by it all. (I think)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a magnificent round rainbow. Thanks Candice for calling to let us know about it. I snapped some pictures with my cell phone. Thanks Scottie for taking the picture and sharing it with us. As for Mick, he is full of wonder and joy.
