The adventures of Mick, Aliyah and Benjamin as told by his mama and papa! :) (incase you's written twice on this page, as this blogger can not figure out how to fix that!)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blueberry Fire Truck

Blueberry season is in full swing! Did you know that Hammonton, NJ is the blueberry captial of the world?! Indeed! Every year we talk about how we'd like to go to the Blueberry Festival, but we never made it....until now. :) We were expecting all things blueberry, which we found. What we weren't expecting were fire trucks. If Mick could talk he would say, "Blueberries? Who needs blueberries when you've got fire trucks!! beeeeep beeeeep!" (*side note...Mick happens to love blueberries. At least when there aren't any fire trucks around!)


Anonymous said...

I had the good fortune of joining you and watch Mick have so much fun!

rarcibecue said...

Gabriella enjoyed the shots of Mick. She said, "He's driving the car!!!" She also says, "I hope we'll see you soon!"

Candice said...

Right back atcha, Gabriella! I hope we'll see you soon too!