The adventures of Mick, Aliyah and Benjamin as told by his mama and papa! :) (incase you's written twice on this page, as this blogger can not figure out how to fix that!)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Spring is in the Air

My parents have this beautiful tree in their front yard (a cherry blossom, I think) that blooms pink flowers every spring. When the flowers fall it makes a great canvas for photo shoots! When my nephew, Elijah, was about 17 months old I took pictures of him hanging out in the flowers. I remember him being a great subject. He kinda hung out and chilled in the flowers. So sweet. I also remember thinking that someday I hoped to be taking pictures of my child in those same flowers. Well, I did it :) At 20 months, though, Mick was not as easy as Elijah was at 17 months! The little man is always on the go and that was no exception for this mini photo shoot. It might look like he was just walking around in the flowers; but, that's not how it happened! None of these pictures were taken consecutively. I had to chase him down inbetween each shot and carry him back to the flowers. Still, as usual, we both had fun!


Anonymous said...

Candice... you are something else, and so is your son! I hope Elijah gets to read your commentary. Beautiful pictures, thank you.

Love you,


Jawdy said...

That's AWESOME!!! You should post a pic of Elijah in the flowers next to one of the Mickster!!!

EeMa said...

LOVE these...just magical!

EeMa said...

PS- this is Robyn, I am 'eema'